The Little Monk and Other Stories


ISBN: 978-81-291-1699-4

Publisher: Rupa Publications India Pvt Ltd,

7/16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj,

New Delhi 110 002

More about the Book

Set in the largely unexplored terrain of rural Odisha, this book explores human nature. Whether it’s a small boy forced to be a monk, a son with mixed feelings towards his sick father, a child coming to terms with the difference between appearance and reality, or crooked officials getting their comeuppance when least expected, each story chronicles life as it is, a difficult journey, yet not without hope. It is especially sympathetic towards those living on the margins of the society. With a sensitive look at the fragility of relationships and struggle for survival in an exploitative society, The Little Monk and Other Stories, talks about dilemmas of life common to all of human kind.


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